


Personal Blog

A 5-day Journey of Grit, Beauty

& Personal Discovery

If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to truly ​disconnect from the world, immerse yourself in ​raw nature and push your limits, then​ CapeNature’s Marloth Nature Reserve in ​Swellendam is calling your name. My friend ​Dewald and I just wrapped up a 5-day hike ​through this breathtaking stretch of wilderness ​and both of us can confidently say that it was one ​of the most intense, rewarding and personal ​experiences of our lives.

Whether you're a seasoned adventurer or ​someone who's never set foot on a mountain,​ CapeNature offers something for everyone. From ​short day trails to overnight multi-day treks, there’s ​something for everyone. Let me take you through ​our journey and show you why this place needs to ​be on your bucket list.

Day 1:

The Uphill Grind to Boskloof Hut (18km)

The adventure kicked off with a bang. From the ​very first step, the trail took us straight into a ​relentless 18km uphill climb. No easing into it, ​just pure, lung pumping, leg burning effort. The ​wind was howling, the drizzle came and went ​and yet, there was something magical about ​being surrounded by wild flora and fauna, ​feeling completely at the mercy of Mother ​Nature. Every step was a test, but reaching ​Boskloof Hut after what felt like a never ending ​climb was the kind of exhaustion that you can’t ​help but feel proud of.

For those who’ve never done a multi-day hike, ​this is where Marloth shines. It pulls you into the ​experience right away, making you appreciate ​every bit of the journey from the start.

Day 2:

Rocky Paths to Goedgeloof Hut (11km)

Day two wasn’t any easier, but the views kept ​getting better. The 11km hike took us up ​Drosterspas, a rocky, technical ascent that made ​every step count. Loose stones, tricky terrain and ​more ups and downs than I can count. Your knees ​won’t forget this one. But as we climbed, the ​landscape opened up, revealing some of the most ​beautiful vistas you can imagine.

The flora here was different from day one, with ​adaptable plants and shrubs clinging to the ​mountainside as if they’d been there for centuries. ​Each time I stopped to catch my breath, I couldn’t ​help but be in awe of all the beauty around me.

This is the day when you realize that the mountain ​doesn’t just test your body, it pulls at your mind and ​spirit, reminding you of how small we are in the face ​of Mother Nature’s greatness.

Day 3:

Into the Protea Valley (10km)

If there was a highlight of the hike, day three would ​be it. After an easy 3km warm up, we climbed into ​Protea Valley and it was like stepping into another ​world. I had to stop numerous times just to soak in ​the beauty. There was no rushing through this ​section. Though it was too early to see the proteas in ​full bloom this time of the year, the valley still felt ​sacred, like a hidden sanctuary far from the reach of ​everyday life.

We hit the highest point of the reserve at 1710 ​meters, standing on the edge of the world with the ​mountains stretching out beneath me. I’ve never felt ​so connected to the earth beneath my feet, or to the ​wildness of the world around me.

For anyone nervous about tackling a multi-day hike, ​this is where you truly fall in love with the experience. ​Marloth doesn’t just give you views, it gives you ​moments that stay with you long after you’ve left.

Day 4:

Downhill to Wolfkloof Hut (9km)

Day four was a descent, but not an easy one. ​After a 2km climb, we began a long trek ​downhill, with views of Swellendam and the ​Breede River Valley stretching out before me. ​The path took me through Kleinhoutsboskloof, ​alongside the Leeurivier, and though the trail ​was tough on the knees and toes, the scenery ​more than made up for it.

It was bittersweet leaving the hidden beauty of ​Protea Valley behind, knowing we were getting ​closer to the end of the hike. But Marloth had ​one more surprise for us with its sweeping views ​and rugged paths. The descent was as much ​mental as it was physical, each step took me ​closer to the end, but also deeper into reflection ​on the journey I’d undertaken.

Day 5:

The Final Stretch (10km)

The last day was a blend of emotions. We ​hiked 10km around Eenuurkop, with stunning ​views of farmland and the Breede River Valley ​below. It was a reminder of the world we were ​re-entering after five days in the wild. The final ​stretch took us through a plantation and onto ​a gravel road, the sounds of nature slowly ​fading as civilization crept back in.

As we walked that last 5km stretch of gravel, ​my thoughts were a mix of pride, sadness and ​gratitude. This hike had given me more than ​just sore muscles, it had been a deep personal ​experience, one that tested me not just ​physically but also my perspective on life.

The Power of Connection

Though it was just the two of us, I felt a strong sense of ​community throughout the hike. It wasn’t the kind of ​community built on numbers, but rather, one built on ​shared experience. My friend Dewald and I bonded in ​ways we hadn’t before, through silent moments of awe at ​the view from a mountain peak, through laughter when we ​stumbled on a tough climb and through quiet personal ​conversations in our heads under the stars at night.

Nature has a way of stripping things down to their ​essence. In the wilderness, it doesn’t matter who you are ​or where you come from. What matters is how you show ​up, for yourself and for others. Every challenge we faced ​brought us closer, not just for our friendship, but to the ​landscape that held us.

It made me realize how important it is to have these ​moments of connection, not only with friends but with the ​earth itself. The hike wasn’t just about reaching the next ​hut to rest, it was about finding peace in the journey and ​letting the natural world guide us back to ourselves.

An Invitation to Experience Nature

If you’ve never hiked, or if the idea of spending days in the ​wilderness seems daunting, I’m here to tell you that it’s worth it. ​There’s something very human about returning to nature, ​about leaving behind the constant noise and busyness of life ​and simply being.

You don’t have to be an experienced hiker to appreciate what​ CapeNature has to offer. Nature doesn’t demand expertise, ​just a willingness to be present with a springle of some level of ​fitness and confidence. Whether you’re seeking clarity, healing, ​or simply a break from the rush of everyday life, the trail ​welcomes everyone. You’ll find that nature has a way of ​meeting you where you are, whether in moments of silence as ​you walk or in the shared experiences that bring you closer to ​those by your side.

For me, these five days were a reminder of why I choose the ​outdoors time and time again. Nature is my spiritual space, a ​place where I find not only myself but a sense of belonging ​that extends beyond the physical world.

So, if you’re ready to step out of your comfort zone and into ​the wild, CapeNature is waiting. All you need to do is take that ​first step. Who knows what you’ll discover about the world ​around you and about yourself.

If you're ready to dive into nature, it’s time to take it a ​step further. Download the CapeNaure App! Just to ​ensure that you have the best possible experience ​while exploring the beauty of their reserves. Let’s make​ nature more accessible, fun and impactful. One step​ and one trail at a time!​

FREE on Apple Store, Google Play and HUAWEI AppGallery:

Let’s make nature more accessible, fun and ​impactful. One step and one trail at a time!

With warmth and the spirit of adventure, Earl.